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Configuring Spring

Spring can be configured through 2 approaches –

  • XML
  • Annotations

XML Configuration

Some examples of configuring beans through xml –

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <beans

<!– Basic coniguration –>
<bean id="simpleBean" class="MyClass" />

<!– Passing arguments –>

<!– Constructor – or objects using ref –>
<bean id="constructorArgBean" class="MyClass">
<constructor-arg value="constructorArgument"/>

<!– Property – or objects using ref –>
<bean id="propertyArgBean" class="MyClass">
<property name="propertyAsArg" value="propertyAsArgExample"/>
<property name="propertyAsRef" value="propertyAsRefExample"/>
<property name="propertyAsNull"><null/></property>

<!– Constructor and Property –>
<bean id="constructorAndPropertyArgBean" class="MyClass">
<constructor-arg value="constructorArgument"/>
<property name="propertyAsArg" value="propertyAsArgExample"/>

<!– Factory Method –>
<bean id="factoryMethodExample" class="MyClass" factory-method="getInstance" />

<!– Property Namespace–>
<bean id="propertyNameSpaceExample" class="MyClass" p:varExample="varExample" p:refExample="refExample" />

<!– Initialising/Destroying Methods – Can be defaulted in xml header(default-init-method, default-destroy-method) –>
<bean id="initDestroyExample" class="MyClass" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy" />

<!– Bean Scope – See Below – default – singleton –>
<bean id="prototypeExample" class="MyClass" scope="prototype"/>

<!– Autowiring – See Below –>
<bean id="autowiringExample" class="MyClass" autowire="byName" />


Bean Scoping

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <beans>

<!– Bean Scope Example – default – singleton –>
<bean id="prototypeExample" class="MyClass" scope="prototype"/>


  • singleton – Single instance per Spring container (default)
  • prototype – Bean instantiated everytime requested
  • request – Bean definition to HTTP request. Web-capable Spring Context (Spring MVC)
  • session – Bean definition to HTTP session. Web-capable Spring Context (Spring MVC)
  • global-session – Bean definition to global HTTP session. Only valid in portlet context
  • no – no autowiring


[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <beans>

<!– General Syntax –>
<bean id="generalSyntax" class="MyClass" autowire="options" />

<!– Autowiring –>
<bean id="autowiringExample" class="MyClass" autowire="byName" />


  • none – default
  • byName – matches on name/id
[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <bean id="propertyArgBean" class="MyClass">
<property name="propertyAsRef" ref="propertyAsRefExample"/>

<bean id="propertyAsRef" class="PropertyAsRefClass" />

<!– As match by type – automatically matches to propertyAsRef –>
<bean id="propertyArgBean" class="MyClass" autowire="byName" />

  • byType – matches on type
  • constructor – similar to byType
  • autodetect – “Best-fit Autowiring” – constructor first, then byType


Enabled by –

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <beans>

<!– Enables annotation-based config – only if component-scan not used –>

<!– Scan packages for config – can use include-filters, exclude-filters –>
<context:component-scan base-package="com.mypackage" />



Candidate for autowiring. Can be applied to –

[sourcecode lang=”java”]

// Constructors
public MyClass(MyProperty myProperty) {
this.myProperty = myProperty;

// Property
private MyProperty myProperty;

// Setter Methods
public void setMyProperty(MyProperty myProperty) {
this.myProperty = myProperty;



Provides clarification over which dependency to use –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] @Autowired
private MyClass myInstance;

Custom Qualifiers

[sourcecode lang=”java”] import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;

public @interface MyQualifier {

This can now be used to qualify a class –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] @Autowired
private MyClass myInstance;

Useful links

About the Author Martin Farrell

My name is Martin Farrell. I have almost 20 years Java experience. I specialize inthe Spring Framework and JEE. I’ve consulted to a range of businesses, and have provide Java and Spring mentoring and training. You can learn more at About or on my consultancy website Glendevon Software

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