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Apache CXF – Contract Last Example

This post looks at the JAX-WS “contract last”/”code first” implementation in samples\java_first_jaxws. This approach means that you create the Java code first, then create or generate the WSDL from that

Web Service Code

The web service uses JAX-WS annotations to annotate the interface and implementation. This generates the wsdl at runtime


[sourcecode lang=”java”] @WebService
public interface HelloWorld {

String sayHi(String text);

String sayHiToUser(User user);

Map<Integer, User> getUsers();

Implementation –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] @WebService(endpointInterface = "demo.hw.server.HelloWorld", serviceName = "HelloWorld")
public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld {
Map<Integer, User> users = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, User>();

public String sayHi(String text) {
System.out.println("sayHi called");
return "Hello " + text;

public String sayHiToUser(User user) {
System.out.println("sayHiToUser called");
users.put(users.size() + 1, user);
return "Hello " + user.getName();

public Map<Integer, User> getUsers() {
System.out.println("getUsers called");
return users;


@WebService annotation denotes the class as a JAX-WS web service class. The parameters to this method are –

  • endpointInterface – Complete name of web service endpoint
  • name – Name of Web Service – maps to wsdl:portType
  • portName – Maps to wsdl:port
  • serviceName – Service endpont interface defined in Web Service contract
  • targetNamespace – Used for wsdl:portType and/or wsdl:service
  • wsdlLocation – Location of wsdl

The sayHi method takes a String, which is supported by JAX-WS, but we have to use XmlAdapter’s to support the User and Map objects in the other two methods


The User interface associates itself to the UserAdapter through the XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(UserAdapter.class)
public interface User {
String getName();

The User interface has its implementation under UserImpl, which links itself to the User type through the XmlType annotation –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] @XmlType(name = "User")
public class UserImpl implements User {

The mapping between the interface and implementation is then done through the XmlAdapter –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] public class UserAdapter extends XmlAdapter<UserImpl, User> {
public UserImpl marshal(User v) throws Exception {
if (v instanceof UserImpl) {
return (UserImpl)v;
return new UserImpl(v.getName());

public User unmarshal(UserImpl v) throws Exception {
return v;

Map XmlAdapter

The getUsers method is interesting because it shows how XmlAdapter can be used as a workaround for JAXB not supporting Maps –

[sourcecode lang=”java”] public class IntegerUserMapAdapter extends XmlAdapter<IntegerUserMap, Map<Integer, User>> {
public IntegerUserMap marshal(Map<Integer, User> v) throws Exception {
IntegerUserMap map = new IntegerUserMap();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, User> e : v.entrySet()) {
IntegerUserMap.IntegerUserEntry iue = new IntegerUserMap.IntegerUserEntry();
return map;

public Map<Integer, User> unmarshal(IntegerUserMap v) throws Exception {
Map<Integer, User> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, User>();
for (IntegerUserMap.IntegerUserEntry e : v.getEntries()) {
map.put(e.getId(), e.getUser());
return map;

CXFServlet and Spring Integration

The connectivity of the CXFServlet was covered in the previous post, and this section looks at how the cxf service is configured in cxf-servlet.xml –

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <jaxws:server id="jaxwsService" serviceClass="demo.hw.server.HelloWorld" address="/hello_world">
<bean class="demo.hw.server.HelloWorldImpl" />

This connects in 3 key attributes –

  • serviceClass – HelloWorld interface
  • address – /hello_world – serving Url
  • serviceBean – HelloWorldImpl – implementation class

Running the example

The simplest way to run the example is through –

mvn clean install (builds the demo and creates a WAR file for optional Tomcat deployment)
mvn -Pserver (from one command line window — only if using a non-WAR standalone service)
mvn -Pclient (from a second command line window)

Or run in tomcat by dropping the war in the deploy directory, and accessing on –


This can be called from SOAPUI –

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://server.hw.demo/">

You will get the output –

[sourcecode lang=”xml”] <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:sayHiToUserResponse xmlns:ns2="http://server.hw.demo/">
<return>Hello Martin</return>

About the Author Martin Farrell

My name is Martin Farrell. I have almost 20 years Java experience. I specialize inthe Spring Framework and JEE. I’ve consulted to a range of businesses, and have provide Java and Spring mentoring and training. You can learn more at About or on my consultancy website Glendevon Software

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