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Maven, Eclipse and Java 9

Anyone that uses the M2E(maven-to-eclipse) plugin in eclipse knows the issue where you have run a build, then update maven on your project only to have it reset the JRE and throw up a wall of project errors! I noticed the issue in the post I made on running Java EE 8 with Java 9 using Open Liberty

The solution is to ensure the compiler is running the correct version you require, so  –


Or –


There is a further point worth noting if you are using Java 9 or later, as the version number format is different. So while Java 8 has a version of 1.8, Java 9 has a version of 9 –

Java 9 vs Java 8 versions

This means you need to state the version in your pom as –


Or using the full version in my JavaEE8 project( this would be stated as –


This will prevent the problem in eclipse

This post may seem obvious – but it is worth stating that the change in version number for Java 9 means you must check you are using the correct version number in maven

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